Face book Friends this is for Public Media to create a free network without a password.
This is up to you!! No one will do it for everybody but this is a Neighborhood creation to help future kids.
This is based on a zip code club. 5 in a state creates a state board of directors.
You can hyper link all information because no password is needed.  but you can hyper link the URL in face book.
They face book can  stop you because they own the .com But not the network you create.
Create a email network in every state and a state group on face book. (groupnet-ct.com) or (groupnet-zipcode.com)
for your neighborhood. Hopefully My group groupnet-usa.com on face book was never allowed to have you as friends.

 Media NewsHyperlinks for Frends of Robert St Germain Sr

Associated Press News


The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

The Christian Science Monitor

 The Economist





USA Today

The Wall Street Journal


Video Hyperlinks for Public Media by Robert St Germain Sr
Lance Wallnau
Live 5 News
Lou Dobbs
ABC News Live
World News Now
ACT for America
Andrew Klavan
America's Voice News
BBC Archive
Bill O'Reilly
Bob Oré
Benjamin Francis Cooley
CBC Politics
CBS 42
Charles V Payne
Chicks On The Right
Conservative Nation
Colion Noir
Doug Collins
Dan Crenshaw
The Daily Caller
Daily Wire
Dan Bongino
David J Harris Jr.
Donald Trump Jr
Dr Wesley Muhammad
First Lady Melania Trump
Follow The White Rabbit
Fox News Video
Glenn Beck
Governor Andrew Cuomo
Graham Allen
India Today
Jamie Kovach
Jay Sekulow
The John Birch Society
Judicial Watch
Mark Levin
Sen. Marsha Blackburn
WNYT NewsChannel 13
PBS NewsHour
NowThis Politics
Mayor Bill de Blasi
Occupy Democrats
Ben Shapiro
Liz Wheeler
Patrick Stewart
Pat Gray Unleashed
Brigitte Gabriel
Congressman Dan Crenshaw
Ron Paul
Ryan Fournier
Sean Hannity
Tammy Putman
Elizabeth Johnston - Activist Mommy
Ben Ferguson
Herman Cain
The Hodgetwins
Jordan Rachel
The Trump Republicans
Tim Pool
Tucker Carlson
Will Johnson
V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai
Wayne Dupree
Mark Lutchman
The White House

Why I believe Zip Code Clubs will create ENTREPNEURS in KIDS

We are Americans and need to come together

This original new Concept never got off the ground in the early internet years.

This concept is to educate and create neighborhood zip code clubs for kids.

This Product was created & posted on FDA in 2000. and available to create Jobs.

Link back to main page for states

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E-mail: mrropt@maderitechair.com

Click Name to send E-mail  Robert J. St. Germain Sr. To Create Jobs

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Reproduction in full or part is for Public Media Participation

The author's accomplishment as a factory middle class worker.

The author believes in creating royalties and income for the public network of history